Young Autism Program – Early Intervention and Preschool Initiatives

Experienced contracting professional Barry Grummer has led as president of KR&R Restoration and Roofing since 2002. Barry Grummer also contributes to such nonprofit organizations as the Developmental Disabilities Institute’s Young Autism Program (YAP).

The YAP at the Developmental Disabilities Institute offers a number of services for young children with autism and their families. Young Autism’s early intervention initiative, for example, provides state-approved evaluations and services to children with confirmed diagnoses. These programs include speech and physical therapy, parent training, and developmental groups that offer child-specific support and instruction. YAP’s services, which include on-site programming as well as home visits and parent support, are available to children aged 18 months up to 3 years.

Similarly, YAP’s preschool program operates through the New York State Education Department’s Office of Special Education, which oversees and funds approved providers, including YAP, statewide. The YAP preschool program offers children a multidisciplinary and individualized approach that incorporates behavior analysis and support as well as differentiated academic instruction. Students learn from specialized, respectful teachers, who collaborate in their work with board-certified behavior analysts, speech pathologists, physical therapists, and other skilled professional staff members.

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